I lohv to write.Dont ask me why.

dont be mad.ehee-.-
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Any Comments? :O 0awesome peeps

*muke mcm org baru hilang suami*, :'yes! i broke my promise:face32:'.
maafkan sy. i know i shouldnt be posting and facebooking, but BELIEVE me. i've tried my best.
whenever i came home from school, saw the computer;there was something calling me'Intan, lai lai.bukak internet,i know you miss me.hehe:face33:'.and it happens everytime i come back home from school. and actually,theres a lot of thing i wanna share with all of you since i've been offing for a long long time(actually it is only a week:face60:)
yeay!i've got my full result for my first exam, even my history's result sucks but still, i am gratefull and thankful, and Alhamdulillah.its not that bad.:132:
tomorrow,we'll be painting our class and i cant wait.hopefully, one of our teacher is able to come cause we cant paint without being watched by our teacher or else, the principle will get mad and turn into a monster. no lah, i mean a cute monster.like domokun. eh wait, what the hell i was talking. nonsense:face23:.
and today, there was a new student and a girl. her name is Intan. yeay! i've got a twin!itreminded me about Intan Nursyafiqah, my old classmate.HAHA.miss that moment when somebody called for her, and then sy yg perasan-.-'.HAHA
YES! Finally,i've got my *kaching kaching* moneydollar for my PMR result.that's only 170, but still,half is better than none ayy?:D. so,the day after we've got the money, (it was Sunday i guess),Izzah,Myra and i decided to go shopping and enjoying ourself, and YES!, we enjoy ourself freaking much:9: we watched Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa and guys,please! do go and watch it. it was freaking awesome. i know you guys thought like this:
"alaa, cerita perang,tak best lah:face63:!"
but please dont judge a bra, by its price. eh wait, i mean dont judge a book by its cover.
seriously, im proud that KRU can produce such a huge film like that. it was awesome. that makes me proud to be Malaysians*(ape ke sabittnyekan?HAHA), and then we went karoke-ing like hell-.-. well, at first it was 15song and Izzah was like" banyaknya?! kering tekak ak nak nyanyi"
and after that, "weh,tambah lagu lagi weh,tambah lagi 3!":face34: HAHA. and after that, we went shopping.alaa,biasalah perempuan. dok pegy carik pencuci segale bagai.HAHA
so,overall, we really enjoy ourself that day. i mean me. i didntt know if they enjoy theirself,did they?
okay,actually, i have a lot of good-forrr-nothing story for all of you, but my ideas all went away. i dont know where they've gone. maybe Paris, or Ireland,but that's okay, macam lah korg nak sgt bace entry merepek sy ne haa.HAHA. nnti, kalau idea tu dtg balik, sy post baru.HOHO:D

p/s:i love i cecream<3
hmm, when lah i can memorise the rap part in Love the Way you Lie by Rihanna and Eminem,the rap part. hehe. i love rap ;p okay,jerks, :d:

salam sayang:Intangg:face19:

4:13 PM