I lohv to write.Dont ask me why.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Any Comments? :O 0awesome peeps

Ouh ya peeps.It's been awhile ayyy? Ow man. Seriously,I miss writing some crazy ridiculous stuff here.Ouh,Assalammualaikum w.b.t:)
So, it's the fourth day of fasting month!Yeay.HAHA.
Few days before the fasting month:
Intan:Yeah man!Tak sabar gila nak puasa!:D
And a few days in fasting month:
Intan:30days,29days,28days,27days......ow man. there's 25 days left for Hari Raya. Cepat lah siket habis puasa:/
Ehee, nampak sgt lah situ iman ak tak kuat:/

Actually,ak takdek main point pun nak tulis entry ne.Tapi untuk mengelakkan blog ne dr bersawang,terpaksalah ak hupdate walaupun benda y ak tulis ne merepek je lebih-,-

1)So, I've got a new simcard.Yeay! Yeah,it was more than 3 months since the last time i've used any handphone.And the last simcard which is used for not more than 2months, had lost----Again. luckily,my brother was kind enough to give me his phone:) Thanks man! And I hope this simcard will last more than 2/3/4 years-.- Lulz.Hopefully:)

2)Three days back, I've sit for the school test and yeah,it sucks. Seriously man. Tak tahulah kenapa ak malas sangat nak belajar:/ I've got one F. I dont give a damn-.- Serious tak sangka gila gila subject y ak target Fail, Alhamdulillah ak pass jugak;)Lucky maybe? AHHAHA.

3)So today Ustazah masuk kelas with the test paper. So,bila ak dapat kertas ak,ak pun macam Intan:ow mannn. Teruknya result sy ustazah.*maybe it's not that bad actually. tapi saje nak buat expresi lebih-lebih.Annoying lah katekan:O*
Ustazah with her not-in-the-mood face : 'Tu lah Intan,awak ne merepek meraban jawab entah pape...(ak tak ingat sebab panjang sgt)'
And ak pun macam, okay.First time ak tgk ustazah bengang dgn ak mcm tu sekali.Lulz-.-'
At the end of the class, tiba tiba ustazah tgk markah sorang sorang and then she was like 'Intan,soryla Ustazah marah awak!Ustazah ingat awk Fail.Rupa-rupanya ustazah salah orang.'
Ak dengan muka blurr,pun tanyalah ustazah.'Slah orang?'
Ustazah"Ouh,Ustazah ingat Intan y sorang lagi,Sorylah Intan'
Ak pun macam ouh okay.

Alhamdulillah, ak tak terasa sikit pun ustazah marah ak (Walaupun sebenarnya dia salah orang) sebab ustazah marah pun sebab dia sayang student-student dia kan:) Bila fikir-fikir balik,kelakar pulak sebab mati-mati ingat Ustazah marah ak-.- AHHAHA

4)So,ingat nak keluar dgn Fattah& Fier. Shopping baju raya.Ouh man.Rindu gila kat kau Fattah. Entah engkau ingat ak ke tak dah kan?:/ Hari tu bukan tak ajak kau kuar,ak pun tak expect waktu ak keluar dgn Fier hari tu.Sory man;/ Ingat nak hang out maybe next week.Insya-Allah. Boleh bukak puasa sama-sama jugak kan?:)

5)I've found someone. Tettt-- Malas nak komen lebih-lebih.AHAHAHA.

Entry kali ne memang random habis sebab ak tak tahu nak tulis mende.Whatever,I dont giv a sheet. Lulz.Just kiddin':)

P/s:Fared suruh masukkan nama dia dalam entry kali ne.So, Hi Fared gay.AHAHAHA.Ak dah masukkan dah nama kau:D


5:26 PM